We are a non-profit Civil Association established in Tijuana in 1987, assisting the most vulnerable migrants who arrive in the city, whether they are deportees, displaced persons, migrants in transit or refugees.. We offer basic services: shelter, food and clothing, as well as a wide range of complementary services, totally free of charge, to aid the social reintegration of migrants.

Since we opened our reception ministry doors, we've welcomed more than 250,000 migrants from all over the world, mainly from different states in southern Mexico, Central America and South America.

We operate thanks to the donations of national and international non-governmental organizations, government support, and particularly the generosity of individuals, families and communities who open their hearts to the migrants' needs. Our work is also made possible thanks to the voluntary activities of young people and adults who provide free services, such as cleaning, cooking, giving talks, living with the migrants and transforming the shelter into a home.

our mision

To provide migrants with adequate and proper attention so that they can improve their living conditions; to safeguard and promote their rights; and to provide them with comprehensive support so that they can successfully reintegrate into society, or safely continue with their migration plans, depending on their objectives.

our vision

To be a home that serves those who have been deported, displaced, are in transit or refugees To continuously improve our strategies in order to promote the social reintegration of deported migrants, strengthening a comprehensive care model that inspires and motivates other institutions to do the same. This will establish us as an international reference on Mexico-United States migratory flows and enable us to promote the responsible participation of society, private organizations and the government in assisting migrants.


  • Reception
  • Hope
  • Love of neighbor
  • Respect
  • Spirituality
  • Solidarity
  • Generosity
  • Honesty and transparency


Licitación Pública No. CMT/MEX01/2021/0000000204/0000-07
***Se realizó una corrección a las dimensiones del concepto “Locker’s”  Tijuana Baja California a 13 de abril de 2021. Licitación Pública No. CMT/MEX01/2021/0000000204/0000-07 Adquisición de mobiliario para salones y oficinas. Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, A.C. a través de la coordinación de finanzas del programa de Protección a Refugiados llama
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Buscamos Asistente de CESFOM
El Centro Scalabrini de Formación para Migrantes – Busca: Asistente para proyecto educativo Lugar de trabajo: Calle Ernesto Sarmiento 2800, Col. Burocrática Ruiz Cortines 22406, Tijuana. Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 10am a 7pm con una hora de comida  Descripción general del trabajo: El/la asistente escolar del Centro Scalabrini de
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Father Pat Murphy, C.S. was born in New York City in 1952.
He completed his seminary studies in New York, Chicago and Toronto. He graduated from the Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois in 1974 with a degree in Psychology and in 1979 he completed his Master of Divinity at the University of Toronto. He also earned a Master's Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago in 1985.
Father Pat has been a member of the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since his first profession in 1976. He was ordained Priest on August 30, 1980.
On May 1, 2013, he was appointed Director of Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, Mexico, for the second time.


  • Voluntarios y migrantes cocinando